Legal Services – Divorce Options

Choosing the divorce option that works best for you!

Happy father and his two childrenDivorce is an uncomfortable transition, with many options and moving parts, during which you are restructuring your family and your life.  Shawn’s goal is to help you feel more comfortable being uncomfortable, while assisting you in putting the pieces together in a new way.  She offers divorce options that provide you with the information and support to make your own decisions.  You can determine the timing and control your own outcomes in the way that best suits your family.  Choose from Mediation, Collaborative and Limited Scope divorce options in the table below.

   Mediation  Collaborative  Limited Scope
Objective A neutral mediator assists you in identifying your divorce options and making informed decisions. Leverage a team of experts (Attorney, Coach, Financial Professional) to advise you during the transition of divorce. Services are provided based on what you need and when you need it.
Control Mediator manages the process – Parties make the decisions. Team manages the process – Parties make the decisions. You manage the process and make the decisions.
Professional Support Mediator provides: basic legal information, may suggest options, prepares documents, guides discussions, and mediates resolutions. (Clients can consult with outside Attorneys, CPAs and other resources as needed.) Expert Team comprised of: • 2 Attorneys • 2 Coaches • 1 Financial Professional • 1 Child Specialist Depends on service requested and amount of legal services needed.
Timing Moves as quickly or slowly as parties decide. Requires Team coordination and joint calendaring. You determining the timing.
Duration 2 to 4 sessions over 3 to 6 months on average. Multiple team meetings over 6 to 12 months on average. Short term based on need.
Retainer No, pay as you go. Yes Depends on the scope of work requested.
Overall Cost Least Expensive $–$$ $4000 – $10,000 Moderately Expensive $$$ $30,000 – $40,000 Service Based – See List
   Mediation  Collaborative  Limited Scope


Details of the different legal services and divorce options are available upon request. Information in this table is for illustration purposes only and is not guaranteed to be an accurate prediction for your case.


Video Conferencing and Online Mediation and Consultations Available.