Real Divorce Talk Radio - Get Real Answers to Real Questions about

Real Divorce Talk

Get Real Answers to Real Questions about Divorce

Real Divorce Talk gives you Real answers to your questions about divorce from an attorney, a financial specialist and a mental health professional. Hosted by Shawn D. Skillin, a divorce attorney, mediator and speaker, Lynn Waldman, LCSW and Divorce Coach, and Mark Hill, CFP, CDFA a financial specialist and co-founder of Pacific Wealth Management.  Join us live every fourth Tuesday at 1:00 pm PT.  Log in to Facebook and watch us live. Post your questions in advance on our Facebook page or post live on the show. You ask, we’ll give you Real answers.

Contact Shawn today at (619) 985-4880.

Back to School

Divorce-Proofing Your Marriage

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Divorce Options

Divorce: The Basics

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The State of Your Union

Your Divorce and the New Tax Law

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